Zinpro® BlueBox™
We Put the Puzzle of Translucency
and Eggshell Quality Together
Only the Zinpro BlueBox tells the full story of eggshell translucency. A powerful and unique evaluation tool, it accurately and safely assesses eggshell quality, helping to ensure your breeder and layer programs are driving toward strong profitability.
A Value-Added Solution From Zinpro® to Maximize the Success of Your Operation
The only scientifically proven eggshell quality evaluation tool developed with a specific non-invasive measuring system to assess the structure of eggs.
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New Data is Analyzed Daily to Provide
You Accurate Knowledge
30+ Countries in our Database
Grandparent, Breeders and Layers
300,000+ Eggs Assessed
Paper Published in Poultry Science
Presented at 2023 PSA
Discover What 6+ Years of Research Shows
- Eggshell quality must be monitored constantly. Since eggs are formed and produced daily, eggshell quality can fluctuate just as often.
- One of the first steps to improving your eggshell quality is to fully understand the current state of your operation by evaluating the translucency of the eggshells your birds are producing.
- Translucent eggshells are a sign that the eggs did not form properly and can result in broken eggshells and reduced hatchability.
Zinpro is an Experienced and Passionate Industry Leader That Cares About Your Success
You can count on a proven line of high-performing products from Zinpro to deliver measurable and consistent results that drive your profitability. As your trusted partner, we understand your challenges and work alongside you to provide the support and service you need to meet your business goals.