Zinpro® Placid LQ® Kit

The Zinpro® Placid LQ® Kit is a concentrated, two part kit containing Zinpro® Aqua X-Cell® Piglet/Swine and a proprietary amino acid complex blend from Zinpro Specialty Products. Formulated to help pigs improve outcomes during times of occasional stress. 

This nutritive botanical and amino acid complex blend is designed to help swine overcome anxiety from stressful situations like tail biting, transportation, and handling. In field observations, a 54.5% reduction in bite incidence was noted and water uptake was maintained during the period of stress. Applied through drinking water systems, the Zinpro Placid LQ Kit with Zinpro Aqua X-Cell Piglet/Swine supports stress reduction, healthy growth, and general wellness in swine. 

Contact your Zinpro Sales Representative for more information about how the Zinpro Placid LQ Kit, featuring Zinpro Aqua X-Cell Piglet/Swine, can help your animals and your operation excel. 

Note: Not all products are available in all markets. Please contact a Zinpro representative using the Let’s Connect button at the top of the page to learn more. 


Safe Handling and Storage