Unlock the Hidden Potential
of your Nursery Pigs
The nursery phase isn’t just a steppingstone, it is a critical time in the pig’s life. It lays the groundwork for your pig production system’s entire lifecycle. Proper management during this phase ensures a strong start for pigs, setting them up for success.
Beyond PSY: The Importance of Evaluating Livability as a Fundamental Factor to Overall Profitability
The complex challenges faced in modern-day pig production call for a holistic strategy that includes comprehensive,
multifaceted solutions.
3 Factors that Explain 98% of the Variation in System Profitability

Cost per Pound of Gain: Outside Influences

You work hard to manage ingredient costs and control feed utilization; all of that effort can be undone when livability is poor.
Obstacles that Could Undermine Your Nursery Objectives – the Critical First Two Weeks
Proper care in the initial post-weaning period is paramount. Without it, pigs may become ill, leading to increased labor and reduced morale. Focusing on the right strategies ensures healthier pigs and more efficient operations.
The Hidden Cost of Mortality:
May be Unmeasured, but Not Unfelt
Grasping the factors that enhance operational efficiency is vital for reaching nursery milestones and improving performance.
Attention must be paid to key metrics, including the true costs tied to mortality rates.

See the Difference
Finding efficiencies in your diet formulations can be tough, especially when it comes to identifying those small changes that make a big impact. We can help. Research shows that incorporating Zinc from Zinpro into your nursery pig diets can reduce mortality by 1%.

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Don’t settle for losses in the nursery phase as “business as usual”.
Discover how small changes in nursery diets can make a big impact on your bottom line. Sign up, take the journey today and See the Difference!
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Fulfilling Your Pigs’ Zinc Needs with Zinpro
What sets Zinpro apart from other zinc sources is its unique bond with a single amino acid. This bond enables the zinc molecule to resist antagonist effects in the stomach and small intestine, allowing it to be absorbed via an amino acid transport pathway. Zinpro is the only organic trace mineral on the market with post-absorptive effects.

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Don’t settle for losses in the nursery phase as “business as usual”. Discover how small changes in nursery diets can make a big impact on your bottom line. Sign up, take the journey today and See the Difference!
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