Zinpro® 2023
Sustainability Report

We are a valuable part of the food production chain. Feed is a significant component (30-60%) of the animal production carbon footprint. Zinpro nutritional solutions contribute less than 0.5% of a diet or ration, but provide important benefits to improved health, wellbeing, productivity, feed efficiency and longevity. You will see these impacts and many others in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

Responsible resource use and conservation are goals that drive continual investment. By optimizing our operations and helping our customers reduce their impact on the environment we can shrink our footprint and make a positive difference for the world.
Better Mineral Utilization Improves Performance and Decreases Excretion

Manufacturing Efficiency Project Uncovers Water Savings Opportunity

Return on investment, net return, income over feed costs – the products, tools and solutions we invest in must lead to positive economic outcomes for our customers and their businesses.
Zinpro® Availa® Dairy Enhances Lactation Performance and Economic Return

Maximize Feedlot Performance and Profitability with Zinpro® Availa® Zn

Zinpro® ProPath® Minerals in Milk Replacer Improve Calf Performance and Efficiency

Better animal health and welfare are good for business. Healthier animals are more productive and profitable – and provide peace of mind for producers.
Robust Pigs Improve System Throughput and Economics When Fed Zinpro® Availa® Zn

Zinpro Minerals Decrease Lameness in Broilers When Fed Zinpro® Availa® ZMC

Improved Carbohydrate Utilization Results in Better Health and Profitability in Crustaceans

We are responsible for the animals in our care. Providing technologies and solutions to improve outcomes for animals and our customers is core to what we do.
Zinpro® Availa® Zn Decreases Liver Abscesses in Feedlot Cattle

Zinpro® ProFusion® Decreases Mortality of Cattle with Respiratory Disease

Zinpro® Premolac® Improves IgG Absorption and Passive Transfer of Immunity

We are driven to ensure resources and opportunities are available for present and future generations. We do this though programming and partnerships focused on the first five United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Empowering Women and Girls

A portion of our profits supports the good works of Anderson Foundation, named in honor of Zinpro founders Dean and Mary Anderson. These contributions help educate, inspire and create opportunities for girls and young women worldwide. We also support nonprofits in the communities where our Zinpro teams live and work.
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Living our Values Through Volunteerism

We believe in putting people first, supporting each other’s efforts and treating all with kindness and respect. In 2023, the Zinpro team volunteered more than 1,400 hours in the communities where we live and work around the world.
Women of Zinpro

This year, our Women of Zinpro employee resource group celebrated its second anniversary. Today, 58 percent of women, and 22 percent of our total workforce, have opted in as group members united by a commitment to creating opportunities for professional development, building gender equity and strengthening our culture.
Employee Health and Safety

We care about the safety, health and overall wellbeing of our team.
At the end of 2023, our North Branch, Minnesota manufacturing facility celebrated 506 days without a recordable incident.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Fostering a sense of belonging, respect and community for our employees is core to our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders

We demonstrate our commitment to developing our future leaders in the animal agriculture and science industries by supporting young talent. We are proud to continue building equity and creating opportunities for underrepresented students in agriculture.
Innovation is in our DNA, whether it’s by investing in dairy cows’ ability to be fantastic upcyclers – consuming human-inedible byproducts and converting them into high quality protein (milk) for improved human nutrition – or by thinking globally and acting locally to be responsive to customers.
Zinpro® IsoFerm®: Improved Fiber Digestibility for Better Performance and Efficiency Supports On-farm Sustainability.

Extending our Global Reach and Customer Focus

In October 2023, Zinpro announced the opening of its new, state-of-the-art blending facility in Brazil. This new facility allows us to deliver greater efficiency and flexibility for producers and agribusinesses in this critically important region of the world. By delivering products locally, we will increase speed and efficiency and minimize cross-Atlantic shipping.