Position Nursery Pigs
for Success

Support Health in the Nursery and Beyond

Implementing the right trace mineral program, you can improve health, wellbeing and overall performance of nursery piglets. Reduce mortality by building immune competence and supporting gut health, leading to accelerated growth and feed intake for greater productivity and profit.

What is 1% mortality in the nursery costing you? 

Use this calculator to discover the true cost of nursery pig mortality on your operation. Mortality doesn’t have to be the cost of doing business.

Zinpro® partners with you to establish strong nursery pig health and protect it throughout the nurse.

Proven Pairings for Every Phase

Zinpro® ProPath® LQ Zn

What’s it for: Supporting immunity in the nursery

Health in the nursery can determine later performance in grow-finish operations and gilt replacement programs. Designed for liquid feed applications, Zinpro ProPath LQ Zn helps boost immunity and set the stage for future performance in a convenient delivery system. 

Zinpro® Availa® Zn

What’s it for: Supporting immunity in the nursery

Including Zinpro Availa Zn in the nursery and beyond keeps pigs performing and makes the most of your nutrition plan with better health outcomes and greater system throughput. 

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“We put a lot of priority on quality animal care in our facilities. If you don’t take good care of her [sows], she won’t take care of you. When I looked at the numbers, and I’ve looked at them many times since, we have made a positive impact on retention rates of sows on the farm.”

Kerry Hopkins
Senior Genetics Services Manager
New Fashion Pork

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